Thursday, April 18, 2013

Economy: Origens of the Cattle Industry in Arizona

            The start of the cattle business in Arizona. The livestock raising business in Arizona started centuries ago with the Native people who raised sheep for their own uses. the first cattle raised for more than personal use started with non other than Father Kino according to Thomas Sheridan in his book, Arizona,
"Ranching has always been an important part of Arizona mythology, but the first stock raisers were Hopi Indians…Stock raising in southern Arizona took root…when Padre Eusebio Kino distributed small herds of cattle and horses among the O’odham of the Pimeria Alta."
as time went on the mexicans to the south and Americans to the north and east began to realize the vast resource that Arizona had to offer. It was for this reason that immigration into the state increased, people searching to start a new life and the hope of starting a perpetually successful business. Pioneers would come to start a cattle business with little or no experience in the range cattle industry, pioneers such as Colin Cameron who will be discussed in the primary source documents in another post.

Colin Cameron Sr.

Vastness of Arizona Rangeland

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