Thursday, April 18, 2013

Military Policy: The Attitude of Superiority

            The military policy that was influential in the formation of the Arizona territory and eventually lead to the statehood of Arizona. Several different sources describe the attitudes of the United Sates government towards the native peoples and the impact they would have of the future population and economic prosperity that the region of Arizona could hold. In a letter describing military procedure in the region Col. Fergusson of the first Cavalry of California Volunteers headquartered in Tucson Arizona Described the Indian people, in a military correspondence dated May 12, 1863, as savages providing only a stumbling block for civilization:
 “…on those savages, who have been devastating, robbing, and murdering in this Territory and Sonora for centuries.”  
The correspondence described a military campaign against the Apaches and spoke of the losses incurred on the tribe as a success that needed to be repeated. it was this attitude of indian removal or extermination that in turn helped facilitate mass Anglo migration to the region.

Map of Forts in Arizona

Cavalry Unit from Fort Grant

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